Downnload Program Pintar Basing

Downnload Program Pintar Basing

Pintar Basing (pintar bahasa Inggris) merupakan program latihan yang berisi teka teki silang dan game untuk mengasah penguasaan bahasa English bagi pemula, dapat langsung digunakan dalam sekali install.Program yang sangat berguna untuk putra putri kita, kapasitas program hanya 942 kb (setelah diextract) Adapun teka tekinya berupa materi tentang:

Daily Activities

Setelah selesai anda download program ini perlu diinstall ikuti petunjuk, klik next sampai finish selanjutnya jalankan klik start > all program > Pintar Basing>selanjutnya pilih program yg akan dibuka .…… untuk mengambil file silakan klik

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Teaching of Vocabulary

Teaching of Vocabulary

According to Linda Diamond and Linda Gutlohn (2006) in their article they say that Vocabulary is the knowledge of words and word meanings. As Steven Stahl (2005) puts it, “Vocabulary knowledge is knowledge; the knowledge of a word not
only implies a definition, but also implies how that word fits into the world.”
Vocabulary knowledge is not something that can ever be fully mastered; it is something that expands and deepens over the course of a lifetime. Instruction in vocabulary involves far more than looking up words in a dictionary and using the words in a sentence. Vocabulary is acquired incidentally through indirect exposure to words and intentionally through explicit instruction in specific words and word learning strategies. According to Michael Graves (2000) in his article accessed from internet says that there are four components of an effective vocabulary program:

a. Wide or extensive independent reading to expand word knowledge
b. Instruction in specific words to enhance comprehension of texts containing those words
c. Instruction in independent word-learning strategies, and
d. Word consciousness and word-play activities to motivate and enhance learning.

In addition, something which is really needed to a teacher to concern is about components of vocabulary instruction. According to Linda Diamond and Linda Gutlohn (2006) in their article add that components of vocabulary instruction are as
a. Intentional vocabulary teaching
b. Specific Word Instruction
a) Selecting Words to Teach
b) Rich and Robust Instruction
c. Word-Learning Strategies
a) Dictionary Use
b) Morphemic Analysis
c) Cognate Awareness
d) Contextual Analysis

According to the National Reading Panel (2000) says that explicit instruction of vocabulary is highly effective. To develop vocabulary intentionally, students should be explicitly taught both specific words and word-learning strategies. To deepen students’ knowledge of word meanings, specific word instruction should be
robust. Beck et al., (2002) sees vocabulary in rich contexts provided by authentic texts, rather than in isolated vocabulary drills, produces robust vocabulary learning.
National Reading Panel (2000) adds that such instruction often does not begin with a definition, for the ability to give a definition is often the result of knowing what the word means. Rich and robust vocabulary instruction goes beyond definitional
knowledge; it gets students actively engaged in using and thinking about word meanings and in creating relationships among words.
Explicit instruction in word-learning strategies gives students tools for independently determining the meanings of unfamiliar words that have not been explicitly introduced in class. Since students encounter so many unfamiliar words in their reading, any help provided by such strategies can be useful.
Word-learning strategies include dictionary use, morphemic analysis, and contextual analysis. For English language learners whose language shares cognates with English, cognate awareness is also an important strategy. Dictionary use teaches
students about multiple word meanings, as well as the importance of choosing the appropriate definition to fit the particular context. Morphemic analysis is the process of deriving a word’s meaning by analyzing its meaningful parts, or morphemes. Such
word parts include root words, prefixes, and suffixes. Contextual analysis involves inferring the meaning of an unfamiliar word by scrutinizing the text surrounding it.
Instruction in contextual analysis generally involves teaching students to employ both generic and specific types of context clues.

General Concept of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is one of the four language components, which are spelling, grammar, phonology and vocabulary. It is an important element that cannot be separated from each other in language learning process, Since English as foreign language becomes an international language. No wonder, it becomes so important for
foreign language learners to learn and master on it that it is a basic element of a language used before learning more about the foreign language. It happens when one who is learning a language has a great mastery on vocabulary, he will succeed in
using the language being studied either in comprehending the meaning of a word in the context of spoken or written language.
To get further understanding about vocabulary, Donna Young (2007) explains that vocabulary is the study of:

a. The meanings of words
Many words have several different meanings each, study the meanings of the words and the part of speech.
b. How the words are used
Study the words in context, apply what you learn by writing sentences with your words.
c. Root words, prefixes, suffixes
Studying these will aid in the study of vocabulary.
d. Analogies
This is comparing two pairs of words and choosing the pair that goes together.
Moreover According to Kamil & Hiebert (2007) in their article accessed from internet, they broadly define; vocabulary is knowledge of words and word meanings.
However, vocabulary is more complex than this definition suggests. First, words come in two forms: oral and print. Oral vocabulary includes those words that they recognize and use in listening and speaking. Print vocabulary includes those words
that they recognize and use in reading and writing. Second, word knowledge also comes in two forms, receptive and productive. Receptive vocabulary includes words that they recognize when they hear or see them. Kamil & Hiebert (2007) in their article, they also say that Productive vocabulary includes words that they use when they speak or write. Receptive vocabulary is typically larger than productive vocabulary, and may include many words to which they assign some meaning, even if they do not know their full definitions and connotations or ever use them as they speak and write.
In line with the statement above, I define vocabulary as knowledge of words and word meanings in both oral and print language and in productive and receptive forms. More specifically, vocabulary can be used to refer to the kind of words that students must know to read increasingly demanding skills with comprehension. I begin by looking closely at why developing this kind of vocabulary is important to some skills such as reading, listening, writing, and speaking.
In addition, vocabulary will not only be focused on learning process which leads to improve the students’ mastery of language. Furthermore, Vocabulary will let them know about a culture education by looking at its meaning, where vocabularies
product learned is completely different from Indonesian language.
Vocabulary is the fundamental part of language, which is used in any situation either; it is in the form of spoken or written language. Review at the discussions above, I conclude that the more vocabulary the learners have, the easier for them to
develop their four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and learn English second language generally.

The Principle of Teaching Vocabulary
Recognizing what students need in learning is necessary for a teacher. The process of transferring knowledge will not simply succeed if he can not see his students’ learning absorbing capability toward the material taught and the teaching
portion should be given to.
It is going to be harder for a teacher to teach young learners than adult, it is because of their character. Involving many theories are not a good idea; I believe, this will not maximally work on them and even bore the pupils. That is a reason; the
teaching process must have principles as a reference. To avoid errors in teaching young learner, Cameron (2001: 81) states about several principles of teaching to young learners, they are:

a. The types of words that children find possible to learn with shift.
b. Vocabulary development is not just learning more words but it is also
importance about expanding and deepening word knowledge.
c. Words and words knowledge can be seen as being linked in network of meaning.
d. Basic level words are likely too be more appropriate for children, or when learning vocabulary for new concepts.
e. Children change in how they can learn words.
Looking at the importance of English foreign language to young learners, the teaching principles will very influence the foreign language learners’ understanding toward the material taught. That is the reason; the teaching must be based on an
appropriate strategy referred to the teaching principles, so that the learners, through
a well teaching process and structurally transferred, will gain a good English foundation.
Since vocabulary becomes the topic of discussion, the other principles also stated by James Coady (1997) in his article gained from internet offers a synthesis of research on foreign language vocabulary acquisition. He suggests these implications for pedagogy:
Three main principles appear to underlie effective vocabulary teaching. First, learners should be provided with both definitional and contextual information about words. In the case of foreign language learners, this could be related to their often-felt need for dictionary access. Second, learners should be encouraged to process information about words at a deeper level. Among
foreign language learners this could be reflected in the current emphasis on authentic communicative activities. Finally, learners need multiple exposures to words.

Pembelajaran Menulis Naskah Drama;>>>> Baca

Soal Lat. UAS Mata Kuliah Ekonomi Industri;>>>> Baca

Pengertian Akuntansi, Prinsip dan Persamaan Akuntansi;>>>> Baca

Perkembangan Kognitif Anak Prasekolah;>>>> Baca


Teaching Narrative in Senior High School

Teaching Narrative in Senior High School

The Indonesian government always improves the quality of the teachers, the graduates, and other educational components are improved from time of time.
All facilities, involved in educational process, such as school building, teaching media, textbook, libraries are improved and made perfect to increase the quality of education.
Nowadays, English has been improved for educational components.
According to Wilson (2001) in the CBC for Senior High School (2003:1) “The education paradigm which is based on competency includes the curriculum, a pedagogy, and scoring is emphasized on standard and value.”
The objective of teaching English to the Senior High School students is that the students are expected to have the life skills of the language. There are
two specifications of the life skills:
a) General life skill includes personal skill (includes self-awareness skill and
thinking skill) and social skill
b) Specific life skill includes academic skill and vocational skill.
The students are expected to have the skills of the language above in their English with the emphasize on the skills above using selected topics related to their environment needs such as descriptive, narrative, anecdote, spoof, recount, report and news item. According to Marsha Rossiter( ), stated that:

”Narrative and stories in education have been the focus of increasing attention in recent years. The idea of narrative is fertile ground for adult educators who know intuitively
the value of stories in teaching and learning. Narrative is deeply appealing richly satisfying to the human soul, with an allure that transcends cultures, centuries, ideologies,
and academic disciplines. In connection with adult education, narrative can be understood as an orientation that carries with it implication for both method and content.”

A narrative orientation to teaching and learning. (Brunner 1986, 2002; Polkinghorne 1988, 1996 in M. Rossiter : ).
Given the centrality of narrative in the human experience, we can begin to appreciate the power of stories in teaching and learning. We can also see that the application of a narrative perspective to education involves mach more than story telling in the classroom. Such an application necessarily leads to an experience-based, constructivist pedagogy. “Frames of meaning within which
learning occures are construction that grow out of our impulse to employ or thematize our lives” (Hopkins 1994:7). Therefore, the most effective way to reach learners with educational messages is in and through these narrative constructions. Learners connect new knowledge with lived experience and weave it into existing narratives of meaning.
The narrative orientation brings to the fore the interpretative dimension of teaching learning. (Gudmundsdottir 1995; in M. Rossiter: notes that:
“pedagogical content can be thought of as narrative text, and teaching as essentially the exercise of textual interpretation. Educators not only tell stories about the
subject, they story the subject knowledge itself. In so doing, they aim to maintain some interpretative space in which the learner can interact with the subject.”



Ika Lestari Damayanti, S.Pd., M.A.

Pendahuluan Makalah ini akan memaparkan aspek-aspek yang berkenaan dengan pengajaran bahasa Inggris terhadap anak usia dini. Mengingat bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa asing di Indonesia—dalam arti akses terhadap bahasa Inggris lebih banyak didapatkan di dalam kelas dan tidak dari lingkungan sekitar, maka guru perlu mengondisikan suasana pembelajaran yang bermakna bagi anak dengan menghadirkan konteks yang sesuai dengan aspek bahasa yang akan diajarkan. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan menggunakan storytelling (sebagaimana yang sudah dipaparkan dan dipraktekkan pada seminar dan lokakarya EYL I oleh UPT Balai Bahasa UPI pada bulan Februari 2007 lalu) dan games. Kali ini saya akan berbagi pengetahuan dan pengalaman mengajarkan bahasa Inggris untuk anak usia dini dengan menggabungkan storytelling dan games. Membuat Rencana Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran (Lesson Plan) Merencanakan langkah-langkah yang akan kita lakukan di dalam kelas penting sekali untuk dilakukan. Dengan melakukannya kita bisa melaksanakan pengajaran dan pembelajaran secara sistematis dalam mencapai tujuan. Selain itu, kita juga memiliki catatan mengenai apa yang telah kita lakukan dan dapat mereviunya dengan melihat apa yang telah dan/atau belum berhasil dicapai. Keuntungan lainnya adalah kita dapat memberikan routine (kebiasaan) pada anak-anak sehingga lambat laun konteks penggunaan bahasa yang komunikatif dapat terjadi. Format penulisan lesson plan ini bisa dibuat dengan berbagai cara namun ada beberapa hal yang perlu diketahui dan sebaiknya muncul dalam sebuah lesson plan. Berikut ini adalah cara penulisan lesson plan yang diadaptasikan dari Ellis dan Brewster (1991). Pertama, satu pertemuan perlu dibagi ke dalam tiga tahapan: Kegiatan awal, kegiatan inti, dan kegiatan akhir. Yang termasuk dalam kegiatan awal adalah (1) membangun hubungan baik dengan anak-anak dengan cara melakukan obrolan ringan dan informal. Misalnya menanyakan akhir pekan mereka atau kegiatan sekolah yang telah mereka lakukan. Ungkapan yang dapat dipakai untuk menanyakan hal tersebut: “How are you children?” “I‟m fine/good/great/…” “How was your weekend?” “My weekend was great/fantastic/…” “Did you enjoy/like the activity yesterday?” “I did.” (2) Reviu pelajaran yang telah lalu dengan menanyakan: “what did we do last lesson?” “What did you learn yesterday?”
Pada tahap ini, sebaiknya respons dari anak-anak diterima dengan baik meskipun mereka menyampaikannya dalam bahasa Indonesia. Hal ini merupakan salah satu indikator bahwa mereka memahami pertanyaan yang disampaikan dalam bahasa Inggris. Namun, untuk memberikan pajanan bahasa Inggris yang lebih banyak pada siswa, usahakan untuk selalu merespons balik tanggapan dari anak-anak tersebut misalnya dengan mengulang jawaban mereka dalam bahasa Inggris. (3) Jelaskan pula secara singkat tujuan pembelajaran dan informasikan pula kegiatan yang akan dilakukan dalam rangka mencapai tujuan tersebut. Kegiatan inti. Dalam kegiatan inti ada beberapa teknik yang dapat dilakukan, salah satunya adalah dengan konsep 3P (Presentation, Practice, Production).
(1) presentation memaparkan aspek bahasa yang akan diajarkan. Storytelling atau membacakan cerita pada anak-anak dapat dijadikan kegiatan untuk mengenalkan aspek bahasa yang baru. (lihat kembali makalah storytelling pada seminar dan workshop EYL

I untuk mendapatkan teknik-teknik storytelling).
(2) Practice memberikan kesempatan pada anak-anak untuk melatih dan mencoba menggunakan aspek bahasa yang baru dipelajari dengan pengawasan dan dukungan dari guru.
(3) Production kesempatan bagi anak-anak untuk menggunakan aspek bahasa yang baru saja dipelajari dengan spontan. Hal ini bisa dilakukan melalui games, interview, role-play dan lain-lain di bawah pengawasan guru.

Kegiatan akhir. (1) Mereviu apa yang telah dilakukan dengan menanyakan: “what have we done today?” kesempatan ini dapat digunakan anak-anak untuk merefleksikan apa yang telah mereka pelajari dan partisipasi apa yang telah mereka lakukan. (2) Selain itu, jika perlu, informasikan pada anak-anak pelajaran yang akan disampaikan pada pertemuan berikutnya. Informasikan pula persiapan yang perlu dilakukan untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran berikutnya. Penggunaan Games dalam pengajaran Bahasa Inggris Menurut Shelagh Rixon (1991), ahli EYL dari University of Warwick, Inggris, anak-anak dapat belajar dengan lebih efektif melalui kegiatan yang menyenangkan, salah satunya adalah melalui games. Namun perlu diingat , sebagaimana yang dikatakan John Dewey, seorang ahli perkembangan anak, bahwa bersenang-senang tidaklah cukup. Dalam kegiatan yang menyenangkan tersebut perlu disisipkan pula kegiatan yang dapat mencapai tujuan pembelajaran yang telah direncanakan sebelumnya. Banyak games yang bisa digunakan dalam mengajarkan bahasa Inggris, di antaranya games yang biasa dilakukan oleh anak-anak Inggris dalam bermain atau bahkan mengadaptasikan permainan anak-anak Indonesia. Contoh-contoh Games sebagai tindak lanjut storytelling

1. Action Game

Anak-anak menirukan gerakan yang disebutkan dalam cerita. Misalnya untuk cerita The Very Hungry Caterpillar (lihat lampiran untuk teks lengkap dan saksikan dalam seminar bentuk fisik bukunya) karangan Eric Carle (bisa di-download dari website pribadi Eric Carle), kita bisa mereviu kembali siklus metamorfosis kupu-kupu dengan melakukan hal berikut ini:
Telur: suruh anak-anak memegang lutut mereka dan jongkok serta melingkarkan tubuh mereka seakan-akan mereka adalah telur.
Ulat: bergerak-geraklah dan menggeliut seperti ulat.
Kepompong: merangkak menuju sleeping bag (atau kalau tidak ada bisa diganti dengan sarung) dilengkapi dengan berbagai macam kain berwarna-warni.
Kupu-kupu: anak-anak muncul dari dalam sarung tersebut dengan mengibas-ngibaskan kain-kain berwarna-warni tersebut seakan-akan mereka adalah kupu-kupu yang baru saja menetas dari kepompong.

2. What’s missing?

Permainan ini dapat digunakan untuk menghapalkan kosakata yang baru saja dipelajari/disebutkan dalam cerita namun tidak dengan „menghapal tradisional‟. Caranya adalah dengan menggunakan gambar yang ditempelkan pada papan tulis. Jumlah gambarnya bisa disesuaikan dengan jumlah siswa tapi sebaiknya batasi sampai dengan 10 gambar. Mintalah anak-anak untuk melihat gambar-gambar tersebut dan berusaha mengingatnya kemudian minta mereka menutup mata sementara itu ambillah beberapa gambar di papan. Kemudian minta mereka untuk membuka mata kembali dan menyebutkan apa yang hilang. Tanyakan “What‟s missing?” pada salah satu anakkemudian ajukan pertanyaan lanjutan dengan “Is he or she right?” Apabila jumlah siswa dalam kelas banyak maka mereka bisa dibagi dalam dua kelompok dan lakukan prosedur seperti di atas secara bergantian oleh tim-tim tersebut. Setiap kali seorang anak dari sebuah tim menjawab dengan benar maka tim tersebut mendapat poin.

3. Simon says

Gambar-gambar yang tadi dibuat untuk permainan di atas (2) bisa dipakai pula untuk permainan ini. Caranya: “Simon says show me a plum!” “Simon says put the plum down‟” “Simon says put the oranges in the basket”

4. Hide and Seek

Seorang anak diminta untuk meninggalkan kelas sementara yang lainnya menyembunyikan sebuah barang. Kemudian anak tersebut diminta kembali dan menerka di mana barang tersebut disembunyikan. Contoh: “Is it under the table?” Kegiatan ini bisa digunakan untuk melatih penggunaan preposition dan kata benda (noun).

5. Miming

Seorang anak dapat memperagakan seekor binatang, pekerjaan, atau apa saja yang dia pilih, teman-teman lain harus menerka apa yang sedang mereka peragakan tersebut. Contoh: “Is it …..?” “Are you a ….?”

6. bingo

siapkan gambar dan gantungkan pada papan. Kemudian siapkan grid (tabel berisi 9 kotak/3X3). Mintalah anak-anak untuk memilih beberapa gambar yang digantung pada papan tadi dalam kotak yang sudah disiapkan tadi. Satu kotak satu gambar berbeda. Setelah siap, tunjuk salah satu gambar di papan sercara acak dan katakanlah “This is a….”. mintalah anak-anak untuk melihat tabel mereka dan jika mereka memiliki gambar tersebut maka mereka harus mengatakan “I‟ve got a…” kemudian menutup kotak tersebut dengan kertas/dadu/dll. Anak yang berhasil menutup seluruh kotaknya adalah pemenang permainan Bingo ini.

7. whisper race

Anak-anak dibagi ke dalam beberapa tim. Salah satu anak dari setiap tim diberi daftar kata-kata yang harus mereka hapalkan kemudian whisper (berbisik) pada teman di belakangnya kata-kata tersebut. Kemudian anak berikutnya harus melakukan hal yang sama sampai pada anak terakhir dalam tim. Kemudian anak yang terakhir tadi harus melihat daftar aslinya dan membandingkan apa saja yang hilang atau berubah.

8. market game

Seorang anak memulai permainan ini dengan mengatakan “I went to market and bought a pie.” Anak berikutnya harus melanjutkan dengan menambahkan satu benda lagi pada kalimat tersebut. “I went to market and bought a pie and chocolate cake.” Lakukan hal serupa untuk anak berikutnya. Kesimpulan Kegiatan yang menyenangkan melalui games merupakan keniscayaan dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris untuk anak, namun perlu diperhatikan jangan sampai kita terjebak dalam kondisi “yang penting anak senang dan rame”. Selalu perhatikan proses pembelajaran dan pemerolehan bahasa yang bisa dikembangkan melalui kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut, salah satunya dengan cara membuat lesson plan yang direncanakan secara matang dengan memperhatikan latar belakang dan kondisi siswa.

Daftar Pustaka
Ellis, G. & J. Brewster. 1991. The Storytelling Handbook for Primary Teachers. Middlesex: Penguin. RIxon, S. 1991. “The Role of Fun and Games Activitivities in Teaching Young Learners” in C. Brumfit, J. Moon, and R. Tounge (eds). Teaching English to Children. London: CollinsELT. Lewis, G. & G. Bedson. 1999. Games for Children. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

It’s Important to Listening

It’s Important to Listening

There are some elements of pronunciation that will help you make your English sounds really English. Furthermore, the knowledge upon the elements of pronunciation is important in studying the emotion or the feelings of either a speaker. Nevertheless, understanding elements of pronunciation is not only helpful in revealing the feeling and emotion of a real speaker, but also it is helpful in understanding a text, and/or an oral text, for instance a poem. Stress is applied in words, word groups and phrases, and sentences.


A verse is an arrangement of lines with regular stress pattern. In some cases, the stress pattern adopted in a verse creates rhythm that later on determines the type of a verse. In studying rhythm, we too study about verse at once since rhythm is an almost inseparable part of verse. There are three types of verse which are presented in this unit, they are Free Verse, Sprung Rhythm, and Metrical Rhythm. In addition to that, there are six types of Metrical Rhythm commonly known to be used in English verse, and among those six, only two or three of them are generally applied by writers.

Facts and Figures

We are dealing with tables almost everyday. Tables are meant to be easy to read and concise. Tables consist of rows and columns which present different classifications or variables, the most important ones are the first row and the first column. They introduce the content of the table by the classification so that anyone who reads the table knows what information they can get from the table.
When you read a table, do not forget to read the additional explanation about the table, which can take the form of sentences above or below the table. You also have to pay attention to the symbols and measurement system used in the table.

Graphs, Diagrams and Charts

Graph, diagram and chart are ways of presenting facts and figures in a simple and concise way. There are many kinds of graphs. In this unit we only discuss three of them, i.e., line graphs, bar diagram/graphs and pie charts or circle graphs. There are still many other kinds of diagram but these two are the most commonly used ones.
Bar and line graphs have two axis which are called X and Y axis. Each axis represents different category or variables, therefore when you have a bar or line graph to read, don’ t forget to check the variables represented by each axis.
Pie chart is different from bar and line graphs. It is usually used when we want to divide one big thing into smaller pieces or parts. It is called pie because the shape is just like a pie. And one pie is cut into several slices. Each slice represents certain amount or percentage. So, the total percentage of one pie is always 100%, but the amount included in one pie is unlimited.


Family is one of the commonest topics raised in everyday life because it is inseparable from everyday conversations. When interviewing someone’s family, we raise some common questions. The questions people raise vary from questions which take short answers to questions that give more chance for the interviewee to describe what s/he thinks is important.
Some of the typical questions raised are: How many brothers and sisters do you have? Do you still live with your family? Are you married? Do you have any children? Could you tell me something about your family? or Tell me about your family.

When people talk about food, what do they talk about? Right. They talk about the taste, color, ingredients, and also how to make it or even how you like it. The focus for this unit is the keywords found in interviews about food. When talking about food or cooking, we use some common words which might have different meaning when appear in different context. Some are less common words that we have to learn since they might not exist in our culture or traditional cuisine. Therefore, do not hesitate to consult your dictionary when you don’t know some new vocabulary, especially the ones related to ingredients. And some verbs related to cooking.
The word bring, for example, when we use it in different context might mean: to cause to come into a particular state or carry something. Which one is correct? Both are, only you have to learn to recognize them in their context.

Famous Person

Who are not interested in singers, artists, politicians, athletes or even scientists? Most of us are interested in knowing about famous people, people who are famous of their works and they are so good at what they do that people want to know all about them, their work, career, personal life, etc. They also appear quite often in the media that people actually see and read about them everyday. So famous people have become our everyday interests.
In talk shows on TV or the radio, we often listen to famous people being interviewed. Not only famous people who are often interviewed. Sometimes people who have met famous people are asked to share their experience of meeting famous people.
What do people ask about famous people? Well, where and when they were born, their interest and what they don’t like, their best moments in career, their life, and many others.
When you do an outline exercise you should try to understand the points of the outline first before you scan for the appropriate information while listening to the interview. Listen to the questions raised by the interviewer to get to know the idea of the questions then fill in the outline. When the exercise is in the form of detail questions about the interview, then you should try to identify the questions raised by the interviewer then get the answer that follows from the interviewee. Sometimes you couldn’t find help from the questions raised by the interviewer since s/he doesn’t really ask many questions. For this type of interview, you need to get to know the details from the keywords, phrases or sentences of the interviewee

Project Journalism

In project journalism, we are talking about journalism in wider perspective, there will be wider range of topics to be explored because we are talking about project journalism. The topics range from everyday habits to people’s political beliefs. Project journalism is conducted by not only journalists but also for students and common people.
When you can’t find clues from the questions of an interview, you can find help from the phrases or sentences that are talking about the points mentioned in the exercises. So, first of all you have to understand the points in the exercises then find similar phrases or sentences from the interview.


When you want to draw a conclusion on someone’s occupation or job you need to find the keywords related to what s/he does. However, you have to remember that one word can have more than one meaning. From the example above you have a word “coat”. It can have the meaning of an outer garment with sleeves, covering at least the upper part of the body as well as a coat of paint on a surface.
Keywords are not the only source of information you can use to draw a conclusion on someone’s job. The chronological order of his/her job is sometimes an important clue for you. Besides job description, we can also recognize someone’s job through his/her uniform or working clothes.


Lectures are usually formal and well organized so that it is easier for the audience of a lecture to follow the explanation given by the lecturers. One thing which is very important is to find the topic of the lectures. It’s usually located in the first line of the lecture. Once you have identified the topic it is easier for you to follow the lecture since it will explain more about the topic. Some detail questions about a lecture can be answered directly by quoting the lecture while some others can only be answered after you draw your own conclusion by using the information given in the lecture.


Advertisement is part of our modern life. We see and hear them almost anytime anywhere. There are columns dedicated for advertisement in newspapers. There are advertisement pages in magazines. TV commercials are breaking one TV program into several sections. Radio ads are heard every few minutes. No one would be able to say that they don’t know anything about advertisements.

Prose Passages

As what we have in written text, oral texts may also suggest what are named by Comparison and Contrast. Comparison text is a kind of text that compares two things (or more) by giving its emphasizes on the similarities, while contrast is a kind of text that contrasts two things (or more) by giving stresses on the differences.
Comparison and Contrast texts may perform in a form of comparison text that talks about similarities only, contrast text that speaks mainly about differences, or the combination of both, comparison and contrast that stress on both similarities and differences.
For contrast text, especially, there are two models of text, that is point by point presentation, in which characters are placed one after another in every point of features being contrasted, or completely describing one aspect before the other, in which one aspect is thoroughly explained before moving on the other subject. Here, the later allows less repetition of names.
Some terms used for Comparison text are:
the same, the same as, as, similar to, like, and…too, and so, and…either, and neither, both…and, neither…nor, not as…so, similarly, correspondingly, likewise, in the same way, by the same token, etc.

While the terms used for Contrast text are:
to be+adj-er+than, more…than, less…than, as…as, unlike, on the contrary, contrary to, as supposed to, although, whereas, while, contrasts with, differs from, is different from, however, on the other hand, etc

Cause and Effect
In cause and effect texts, one part of the text describes the cause(s), and another part describes the effect(s). Sometimes one cause may have more than one effect, and one effect may be the result of several causes.
There are certain words/expressions to indicate causes and certain other words to indicate effects.

Illustrattion and Examples
Illustration and Examples are used to support explanation in an Expository paragraph. Illustrations give us a situational context where the writer/speaker make his point clearer. Examples usually give several things in clarifying the point. They are often preceded by the words/phrases “like”, “as”, “such as”, “for example”, “for instance”, “e.g.” (example gratia).

Talk Show

In this unit your have learned about talk shows. A talk show is a program on radio or TV which presents current topics in the society.
The current topics are usually introduced and questioned by the host to the guest (s) britly.
Sometimes talk shows are interactive so that the audience can ask (questions, give comments and suggestions) about the topic through telephone.


In this unit you learned about testimony, which is defined as “proofs”, “evidence”, or “declaration or statement of fact”, or “affirmation”. You need testimonies to support a statement or argument, to show that what you are saying is strongly supported by facts, and not just your subjective opinion.

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